Act as a trusted strategic advisor and mentor to executives, CEOs and Managing Directors
Identify investment priorities and create compelling business cases and strategies for large-scale infrastructure projects and seek funding of these
Run Department of Treasury and Finance accredited Investment Management Standard workshops
Advise on strategy and investment priorities
Advise on water supply and wastewater governance and risk register
Advise on renewable energy transition initiatives
Develop advocacy and funding strategies and plans for large government investments
Strategy micro case studies
Coliban Water
Grantus has worked with Coliban Water for several years, supporting them with expert insights and industry knowledge. Grantus helped them prioritise a long-term strategic water supply infrastructure investment, to improve water security for the next 50 years. Benefiting waterways, communities and 100,000+ customers across 16,500 square kilometres in North-Central Victoria, Grantus provided clarity on the options available to them through masterful facilitation and was able to contextualise many complex and multidimensional issues.
Yarriambiack Shire Council
Grantus developed a Master Environment Strategy for Yarriambiack Shire, a local government area covering 7,158 square kilometres. This Strategy covered waste, recycle and resource recovery, water, land and biodiversity, and climate action. The strategy consolidated a number of previous plans, and involved extensive community engagement activities and Councillor involvement to ensure the strategy and its actions were meaningful, achievable and supported by their community.
Engage Grantus for strategy if you:
Want a strategy partner with deep expertise in public sector accountability and transparency
Want to leverage significant funding from state or government agencies Understand that strategy isn’t created in a vacuum without effective stakeholder engagement.
Are ready for a long-term, holistic approach on complex issues, that incorporates community, engagement, environment, cost-benefit analysis, and clear, detailed recommendations.
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